Maximizing ROI:

How WeScale Implemented Effective Paid Acquisition Strategies for Seller.Tools

Seller.Tools is an Amazon optimization platform created by the top 1% of Amazon sellers. They empower sellers to leverage actual Amazon data to take their business to new heights.


Free signup conversions


Decreased the cost/conversion


Initial paying customers

The Challenge

Seller.Tools had an established brand in the market with good traffic to their chrome extension. However, the traffic was not being correctly tracked and utilized. The team previously tried running ads but the ads didn’t turn out to be very effective. The cost per lead was high and it wouldn’t result in a positive ROI. Seller.Tools were trying to win in a market with big competition and expensive CPC with not relevant enough keywords and traffic.

Our Solution

We integrated Mixpanel with Analytics and Data Studio to track users & events from the Chrome extension & Website. This action made it possible to re-target Chrome Extension users ( a big database of highly interested users.)

We used product-led growth as a go-to-market strategy. Created a free-access campaign and directed users to try the platform.

We used in-dashboard tours and pop-ups to onboard users to get the “Aha moment” of the platform. This increased CRO by 32%.

  • We created 2 big retargeting campaigns.
  • 50% off short-time offer for signed-up users

Opening premium features from retargeting sign-ups within 14 days we increased on-dashboard conversion with pop-ups and banners.

Read also

Optimized free-to-paid conversion rate by 32%, decreased cost/conversion 53%.

Increased landing page CR to 36%, decreased CPI by 45% and brought first 145 installs from Google Ads.